Today our students learn about date, days, week, enjoy to the class! 💭📅Open : Monday - Friday / 9.00am - 6.00pm📍 #learnenglish #thailanguage #thaiclass #englishclass #education #educationmatters #thaischool #thailand #pattayathailand #pattaya #Jomtien #ภาษาไทย #ภาษาอังกฤษ #easylearning #languagelovers #jomtien #jomtienbeach
Enrollment in a language school represents the initial step toward acquiring an educational visa. Upon securing an ED visa, you will be permitted to: Legally reside in Thailand for a duration of up to 12 months; Establish accounts with local banks; Undertake multiple short-term trips outside the country (Re-entry). Our language school personnel will compile a comprehensive set of documents for submission to the Ministry of Education of Thailand. They will also accompany you to the Department of Migration for visa processing and extensions. There is no need for you to navigate the complexities of completing questionnaires and applications, as we manage all of this on your behalf.