A meaningful quote from attorney Chris Placitella on the latest episode of the Jersey Justice Podcast!
You can watch the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxE8FVx3YNI&t
"I like to think that one of the things we do - yes, we change people's lives - but sometimes we have the chance to change America. Look at all the changes that the civil justice system has brought to this country for the better. People drive safer cars now. Computers are safer. You can almost look at anything and say somehow the justice system had an impact on that."
On the latest episode of Jersey Justice with guest attorney Mike Ferrara, Jr., attorney Gerald Clark discusses some of the key elements of auto insurance most people either don't know they have, or SHOULD have.
📱 Listen to part one here: https://youtu.be/zbR-VKy92Cs
Listen to more episodes at jerseyjusticepodcast.com.
You can learn more about us at clarklawnj.com.
From the latest episode of The Jersey Justice Podcast with attorneys Gerald Clark, Mark Morris, and guest Michael A. Ferrara Jr.
"We represent ordinary people, and take on corporate America."
Watch here: 📱https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbR-VKy92Cs&t
On the latest episode of the Jersey Justice Podcast, guest Jim Keady shared with Gerald H. Clark, Esq. and Mark W. Morris his experiences with Nike and their sweatshops overseas, as well as the importance of bringing to light the workers' stories.
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/SvZ4GHJD880
Do we too often get caught up in conservative and liberal stereotypes?
We discuss that and more on the latest episode of The Jersey Justice Podcast featuring Gerald H. Clark, Esq. and Mark W. Morris and guest Jim Keady.
Topics Include:
- Are we as tough today?
- What does it really mean to be politically moderate?
- History and theology and the impact in modern society
Watch here: https://youtu.be/SvZ4GHJD880
Great perspective on the journey of becoming a lawyer and why they are so vital from William Brown on the latest episode of The Jersey Justice Podcast.
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/__b9W8ITzvY
Are our veterans less celebrated today, than ever?
And if so.... why? 🤔
We discuss this and more on the latest episode of the Jersey Justice Podcast with Mark Morris, Gerald Clark, and veteran William Brown.
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/pXt_TK_Pb24
Social media echo chambers - how do they impact how we look at free speech and communicate with each other? 👂 Check Part 2 out the latest episode of Jersey Justice for more free speech debate - featuring Gerald Clark, Mark Morris and guest William Brown.
Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXt_TK_Pb24&t
How is a growing division in politics impacting us?
Clark Law Firm's Mark Morris discusses the phenomenon on the latest episode of "Jersey Justice".
Watch the full version here: https://youtu.be/vCx1rvbqB00
On the latest of Jersey Justice - attorneys Gerald H. Clark, Esq. and William Brown discuss the importance of more of the "right" people stepping up and being heard.
Full Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCx1rvbqB00&t
In our latest Episode of "Jersey Justice", attorney Mark Morris discusses how a clients life can change dramatically after an accident, including the impact they have in their community.
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/vCx1rvbqB00?si=O9XKvKh5hncy5npB
🔍 A Clip from Episode 22 of Jersey Justice™ Podcast 🔍
In this clip, Mark shares a story from one of the first trials that truly highlights the stark contrasts in expert testimony.
The case involved a man who was 20 years old, who suffered a severe injury when his femur was broken in half after being run over by a car. The bone healed in a "bayoneted fashion," meaning one piece of the bone healed on top of the other, rather than aligning straight. Our experts pointed out the obvious - this type of healing is far from ideal, leading to calcification and significant pain, evidenced by the young man's need to use a cane.
However, the defense's expert painted a drastically different picture. They described the healing as "perfect anatomical alignment," asserting there were zero issues with the recovery.
This episode starkly illustrates the battle of perspectives in personal injury cases. Two sides looking at the exact same evidence - a bone healed incorrectly - and drawing completely opposite conclusions: one sees a life altered by pain and limitation, while the other claims a flawless recovery.
🎧 Tune into the full episode on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, and other major platforms to learn more about Civil Law in NJ personal injury trials.
Share this clip to shed light on the critical role of expert analysis in the courtroom and the challenges of advocating for justice in personal injury cases.
Need Legal Assistance? Injured in NJ?
Call Clark Law Firm at 1-877-841-8855 to discuss your potential case with our legal team.
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A Clip from Episode 22 of Jersey Justice™ Podcast
In this clip Mark shares a tactic frequently employed by defense teams in the courtroom.
Mark shares, "The defense will often bring in an expert who does almost the opposite of what you'd expect. They downplay the injury, sometimes even claiming it wasn't caused by the incident in question. It's particularly shocking when these defense experts claim an 'excellent recovery' without having reviewed any medical records or films."
This discussion shines a light on a critical challenge in personal injury cases: the clash of expert opinions. Defense experts frequently argue that the plaintiff has fully recovered, basing their conclusions without any evidence.
Mark adds, "It's almost routine to see defense doctors concluding a client has no long-term issues, having not looked at a single medical record. It ultimately becomes a Battle of the Experts, with jurors needing to decide whom they find more credible."
🎧 For a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in navigating personal injury cases and the strategies employed by defense teams, listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, and other major platforms.
Make sure to subscribe for more legal discussions from the Jersey Justice™ Podcast.
Please share this clip and help us educate New Jersey on the challenges of seeking justice and the pivotal role of credible expert testimony in the courtroom.
Need Legal Assistance in New Jersey? Injured?
Contact Clark Law Firm P.C. at 1-877-841-8855 to discuss your potential case.
#JerseyJusticePodcast #BattleOfTheExperts #Testimony #Courtroom #Justicesystem #EssexCounty #EssexCountyNJ #GardenState #NewJerseyInjuryLawyer #LawyerLife #LegalStrategy #DefenseTactics #PersonalInjuryLaw #Settlements #Verdicts #NJLaw #MonmouthCounty #NewarkNJ #Belmar
🎙️ New Clip from Jersey Justice™ Podcast Episode 22 🎙️
In a powerful segment from episode 22: NJ Injury Lawyers Share How to Understand New Jersey Verdicts and Settlements, Jerry takes us deep into the heart of a trial. He sheds light on a troubling strategy: the devaluation of human worth.
Jerry explains, "What defendants typically do is they devalue the person. They're not focusing on human values like love, beauty, enjoyment of life, mobility, friendship, or relationships. Instead, their lens is often narrowed to corporate values, where the bottom line reigns supreme."
This clip reveals how, in the courtroom, defendants may attempt to minimize an individual's suffering by questioning their value and contributions. They employ tactics aimed at undermining the victim's character, leveraging biases through expert testimonies to sway judgments in their favor.
But there's hope. Jerry emphasizes the mission to restore what's been lost: "We're trying to get people fair compensation for their harms and losses, to fix the broken window of someone's life."
Tune in to hear the full conversation and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced in seeking justice.
Available on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, and other major platforms. Subscribe now.
Share this clip to spread awareness about the importance of valuing human life and dignity in the face of corporate interests.
Need Legal Assistance?
�Call Clark Law Firm P.C. today at 1-877-841-8855 to discuss your injuries and we can determine if you have a potential case.
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🎧 New Episode Alert from Jersey Justice™ Podcast 🎙️
In Episode 22, we discuss the intriguing process of how a jury reaches a verdict. Ever wondered what goes on behind those closed doors?
Join us as Mark, a personal injury lawyer at Clark Law Firm P.C., reveals the diverse perspectives within a jury - from teachers to engineers, and even a giraffe trainer!
Their discussion sheds light on the complexities of jury deliberations, where each member's unique background influences their view on crucial matters like financial judgments.
This episode demystifies the unpredictable nature of jury verdicts, emphasizing that there's no "crystal ball" in the justice system. It's a must-listen for anyone curious about the inner workings of a jury's decision-making process.
Listen now on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, and other major platforms. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes!
Feel free to share this clip and help others gain a better understanding of the New Jersey justice system.
Need Legal Assistance in New Jersey? Injured?
Contact Clark Law Firm P.C. at 1-877-841-8855 for a consultation about your potential case.
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How Verdicts and Settlements Are Determined in New Jersey
🎙️ A Clip from Jersey Justice™ Podcast Episode 22 on Understanding Time Unit Analysis in Personal Injury Cases 🎙️
In a compelling new clip from the Jersey Justice™ Podcast, Mark shares the concept of "time unit analysis," a critical approach used in personal injury trials. He explains how this method helps jurors quantify compensation in a tangible, relatable way.
🔍 What You'll Learn:
* The strategy of using time unit analysis from the start of a trial.
* How to illustrate the impact of an injury on different aspects of a person's life.
* The process of evaluating the worth of one hour in the life of someone living with pain or disability.
* The method of converting this valuation into a comprehensive verdict by considering the hours, days, and years affected by the injury.
This clip is for anyone interested in the nuances of personal injury law and the brilliant ways lawyers help jurors understand and quantify the impact of injuries on a person's life.
Tune in to this insightful clip and the entire episode to gain a deeper understanding of the time unit analysis and its significance in reaching fair verdicts in personal injury cases.
👉 Keep up with your legal knowledge by subscribing to the Jersey Justice™ Podcast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all major podcast platforms.
Share this clip with your network to spread knowledge about this vital aspect of personal injury law. Let's help others understand the complexities behind determining fair compensation.
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