🇵🇹DIOGO MARTINS renova contrato com o Alverca SAD 📄✍🏼⚽️
Depois de ter sido crucial para a subida de divisão e conquista do título de Campeão, considerado ainda, o melhor médio da , Diogo Martins acompanha o Alverca SAD na 2.ª Liga Portuguesa, estreando-se assim nos campeonatos profissionais por mérito próprio.
A esteve presente em toda a negociação contratual entre o atleta e o clube.
Boa sorte nesta tua nova etapa nos campeonatos profissionais.
🇬🇧DIOGO MARTINS renews contract with Alverca SAD 📄✍🏼⚽️
After playing a crucial role in Alverca SAD rise up the division and winning the league title, and also being considered the best midfielder in the , Diogo Martins is joining Alverca SAD in the Portuguese 2nd League, making his debut in the professional leagues on his own merits.
was present throughout the contract negotiations between the player and the club.
Good luck in this new stage in the professional leagues.