SC Disbars Lawyer Who Secured Fake Annulment Judgment for Client │
A lawyer received the ultimate penalty of disbarment for securing for a client an inauthentic judgment and certificate of finality supposedly declaring the nullity of the client’s marriage.
In a Per Curiam Decision, the Supreme Court found Atty. Emilio S. Paña, Jr. (Atty. Paña) guilty of violating the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (CPRA) and the Lawyer’s Oath, and accordingly ordered his disbarment from the practice of law.
The administrative complaint against Atty. Paña arose after Melody H. Santos (Melody) sought the lawyer’s assistance for the declaration of the nullity of her marriage.
The Court sustained the findings of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and ruled that Atty. Paña deserves to be disbarred for his transgressions.
Section 1, Canon II of the CPRA expressly prohibits lawyers from engaging in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful conduct. Section 2 of the same Canon further forbids lawyers from engaging in conduct that adversely reflects on one’s fitness to practice law, to the discredit of the legal profession.
Falsification of court documents, in particular, has been pronounced by the Court as an offense amounting to unlawful, dishonest, immoral, and deceitful conduct. It has the effect of lessening the confidence of the public in the legal system and committing such offense exhibits one’s inability to discharge his or her duties as a member of the bar.
Read more at https://sc.judiciary.gov.ph/sc-disbars-lawyer-who-secured-fake-annulment-judgment-for-client/