As the year comes to a close, we’re excited for a new dawn in 2025 that will bring fresh opportunities and new light. Here’s to a bright and prosperous year ahead!
#GTDscientific #NewYear2025 #FreshStart #Vancouver #NorthVancouver
As we approach the close of another year, we want to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
To our fellow industry experts, engineers, and innovators: may the holiday season bring you the rest and joy needed to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. This year has shown the power of curiosity, collaboration, and resilience.
To our clients, thank you for your trust and partnership throughout the year. Your challenges inspire us to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible. We look forward to working together to achieve great things in 2025.
Here’s to discoveries, solutions, and the spirit of exploration that drives us all forward. Let’s make 2025 even better!
Enjoy the festivities, cherish your loved ones, and stay safe. See you in the new year!
Thank you to everyone who came to meet us at the Daigle Law Group Use of Force Summit! Participating in such an impactful event was an honour, sharing knowledge and connecting with so many dedicated professionals.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to speak alongside such esteemed experts and contribute to the ongoing dialogue around law enforcement, security, and training.
I look forward to continuing the work we started and seeing the positive impact it has on our communities!
Register below to attend the Science of Violence: Biomechanics from Video Evidence updated webinar, happening LIVE on December 18, at 10 AM (PT)
Until next time!
#GTDScientific #UseOfForceSummit #DaigleLawGroup #Grateful #LawEnforcement #Training #ExpertSpeakers #CommunitySafety
Happy Halloween!💀
Stay safe out there, and enjoy the festivities!
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are reminded of how fortunate we are to live in a peaceful country. With everything happening in the world, this makes us even more grateful.
We want to thank all our connections and colleagues for your continued support.
Together, we push through challenges and celebrate successes.🍁
#thanksgiving #canada
Wishing our neighbours a happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸
Here's a fun story on how I landed a spot to be the engineering expert and co-host for the hit TV show from Viacom @Deadliest Warrior. Thank you, Tim Prokop. - Geoffrey Desmoulin, Ph.D., R.Kin., P.L.Eng.
Video 5 of 5.
#GTDscientific #viacom #deadliestwarrior #geoffdesmoulin #engineering
Dr. Desmoulin’s Background
Dr. Desmoulin discusses his background as a first responder and explains how helping people combined with engineering principles transitioned into biomechanical studies, shaping his current profession.
Visit to learn more.
Dive into The Science of Violence® series developed by Geoffrey Desmoulin Ph.D., R.Kin., P.L.Eng. and the GTD Scientific team to gain unparalleled insight into real-world case studies and learn how science can unravel the truth when it is hard to find. Complete each course at your own pace:
Video 3 of 5.
#GTDscientific #scienceofviolence #onlinetraining #injuryanalysis #expertwitness
In investigations, hypotheses serve as our framework for examining cases. We test these hypotheses using scientific methods to confirm their validity. Additionally, we also address simpler questions than what a test can provide. Video 2 of 5.
Geoffrey Desmoulin, Ph.D., R.Kin., P.L.Eng.
Learn more at
#GTDscientific #whatwedo #scientificmethod #injurybiomechanics
What Does GTD Scientific do?
This question is frequently asked by many. Watch our first short video to learn about our company and how we specialize in uncovering the truth behind injury causation. Video 1 of 5.
Geoffrey Desmoulin, Ph.D., R.Kin., P.L.Eng.
In part II of this week's posts on the State of IDAHO vs. HOWARD, we are showing you the setup for the biomechanical analysis.
The idea here was to attempt to rule out suicide by demonstrating the arm motion accounted for in the model and comparing that with how the deceased was documented to be found. The model is set in motion by the discharge of the firearm. Discharge had a major influence on wrist supination (holds hands together like a bowl of "SOUP") but very little influence on forearm and upper arm motions as the inertia is much larger in these segments and so most of the motion there was driven by gravity.
Tomorrow we will post the results of the biomechanical simulation that was performed. By Friday you will have a deep understanding of those findings.
#gtdscientific #danielhowardcase #expertwitness #biomechanicalanalysis