RARE MALCOLM X INTERVIEW (1962)! This TV news interview with #MalcolmX took place in the summer of 1962 following a rally in #Harlem (NYC) that was held in the wake of the brutal killing of Nation of Islam (NOI) member Ronald X Stokes by the Los Angeles Police Department (#LAPD). Malcolm X, who was the greatest representative of the NOI since its 1930 founding, would later be murdered by an NOI hit squad on the orders of the group's corrupt and homicidal leader, Elijah Muhammad, with the active participation of Elijah's successor, Louis Farrakhan.
MALCOLM X PREDICTS DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA (2024) 🇺🇸 "Your Kingdom is Divided...your Days are Numbered...your Time is Up..!"
"A BIGGER ARENA" 🇺🇸 Million Man March for Freedom 🔱 Washington DC 🔱 23 August 2023
SEAL Team 6 / DEVGRU / RED SQUADRON operator Robert J O'Neill recounts the moving motivational speech that Navy SEAL commander Admiral William McCraven delivered before the 2011 raid in which O'Neill killed Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden
▶️ ▶️ https://youtu.be/RTqKyNVBVpc
▶️ ▶️ https://youtu.be/RTqKyNVBVpc
💥 23 AUGUST 2023 🇺🇸
How awesome would it be if Rob O’Neill, Shawn Ryan, Eddie Penney, DJ Shipley and other top US Navy SEAL, US Delta Force and UK SAS veterans joined forces to bring down the DEEP STATE by leading a 'MILLION MAN MARCH FOR FREEDOM' to the American and British capitals on the 60th anniversary of MLK's August 23rd 1963 'March on Washington'?
➡️ ➡️ https://youtu.be/aFI9i4_N0EY
➡️ ➡️ https://youtu.be/aFI9i4_N0EY
▶️▶️ https://bit.ly/41TvwCR
▶️▶️ https://bit.ly/41TvwCR
#hoosiers #devgru #deltaforce #JSOC
"A BIGGER ARENA" 🇺🇸 Million Man March for Freedom 🔱 Washington DC 🔱 23 August 2023
SEAL Team 6 / DEVGRU / RED SQUADRON operator Robert J O'Neill recounts the moving motivational speech that Navy SEAL commander Admiral William McCraven delivered before the 2011 raid in which O'Neill killed Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden
▶️ ▶️ https://youtu.be/RTqKyNVBVpc
▶️ ▶️ https://youtu.be/RTqKyNVBVpc
💥 23 AUGUST 2023 🇺🇸
How awesome would it be if Rob O’Neill, Shawn Ryan, Eddie Penney, DJ Shipley and other top US Navy SEAL, US Delta Force and UK SAS veterans joined forces to bring down the DEEP STATE by leading a 'MILLION MAN MARCH FOR FREEDOM' to the American and British capitals on the 60th anniversary of MLK's August 23rd 1963 'March on Washington'?
➡️ ➡️ https://youtu.be/aFI9i4_N0EY
➡️ ➡️ https://youtu.be/aFI9i4_N0EY
▶️▶️ https://bit.ly/41TvwCR
▶️▶️ https://bit.ly/41TvwCR
#hoosiers #devgru #deltaforce #JSOC
US NAVY SEAL WHO KILLED BIN LADEN BLASTS IRAQ WAR AND "NARCISSIST" POLICY MAKERS 😮 In a moving interview at odds with his gung-ho public image Robert O’Neill, the US Navy SEAL that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, displays regret over some of the slayings that he carried out on the commands of US officials whom he derides as ‘narcissists’. O'Neill also calls-out defence contractors like Halliburton whom he accuses of profiteering from the Iraq War.
O’Neill and his interviewer, Shawn Ryan (who also served as a Navy SEAL and CIA contractor), agree that they both felt a greater sense of kinship with some of the insurgents they were sent to eliminate than with many of their fellow Americans whom they decry as mindless ‘sheep’ that uncritically submit to government mandates.
When two of America's most elite Special Operations warriors come to feel a greater bond with their presumptive enemy than with the mendacious US officials from whom they take their orders, the implications are tectonic.
SHOP HEIDEGGER ▶️▶️ https://www.forthevillains.com/
SHOP HEIDEGGER ▶️▶️ https://www.forthevillains.com/
#BeingTowardsDeath #Halliburton #IraqWar #ukrainewar #Ukraine #russia #Heidegger #Nietzsche #ImmanuelKant #plato #Aristotle #socrates #kierkegaard #schopenhauer #jordanpeterson #BenShapiro #leibniz #wittgenstein
WHY LOUIS FARRAKHAN IS TERRIFIED OF DR ZAKIR NAIK 💥💥💥 During his 1991 ‘Saviours Day’ address, Nation of Islam (NOI) leader Louis Farrakhan recounted a meeting that he had purportedly held the previous year with unidentified ‘Islamic scholars’ in the Muslim Holy City of Mecca.
During the alleged meeting, Mr Farrakhan was reportedly challenged to DISAVOW the NOIs blasphemous claim (expressed in Point #12 of the NOI manifesto ‘What the Muslims Believe’) that Allah (God) appeared in the human form of Master WD Fard.
Mr Farrakhan boasted to his Saviours Day audience that not only did he DEFY the scholars’ request to disavow Point #12 but that he went on to ‘DEFEAT’ them in the ensuing debate.
Since no record exists of this meeting, Mr Farrakhan – to preserve his credibility – must return to Mecca in 2023 and submit to a TELEVISED DEBATE on the NOI’s idolatrous belief system by a distinguished panel of Muslim scholars.
These scholars could include the world-renown Comparative Religions expert Dr Zakir Naik along with other luminaries of Islamic tutelage like Hamza Yusuf, Mufti Menk, Yusuf Estes, Omar Suleiman, Shabir Ally, Abdullah bin Hamid Ali, Dalia Mogahed, Tariq Ramadan, Suhaib Webb, Yasir Qadhi, Yasmin Mogahed, Tariq Jameel, Khalid Yasin, Nouman Ali Khan, Bilal Phillips and others.
This Theological ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ (or ‘Duel in the Desert’) would be BROADCAST to billions of viewers around the world on outlets like Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, CNN and others.
WATCH VIDEO 👉👉 https://youtu.be/S5KqxNNZZ6g
WATCH VIDEO 👉👉 https://youtu.be/S5KqxNNZZ6g
Did Thomas 15X Johnson SHOOT Malcolm X?
Did Thomas 15X Johnson SHOOT Malcolm X?
Legal representatives for convicted #MalcolmX assassins Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson are suing the State of New York for $40 million in damages for their supposedly ‘wrongful convictions’ . It is vital that, before a single penny of taxpayers money is surrendered, all interested parties should view this powerful video presentation by UK-based writer and leading Malcolm X advocate, Paul Bitakaramire.
Paul is widely regarded as the 'Erin Brockovich of the Malcolm X Murder Case' for the brilliance with which his investigative skill and legal analysis has confounded self-proclaimed 'experts' like pseudo-scholar Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, presenter of the poorly researched and widely discredited #Netflix documentary series 'Who Killed Malcolm X'.
Central to both Butler and Johnson’s claims of innocence are the 1977 and 1978 affidavits of convicted Malcolm X assassin, Talmadge X Hayer. A close reading of those affidavits reveal them to contain serious flaws and false statements that call their LEGALITY into question.
1) The so-called ‘Hayer Affidavits’ were actually signed in the name ‘Thomas Hagan’ - a name which Hayer himself (during his sworn testimony to be found on page 2685 of the transcript of the 1966 Malcolm X murder trial) DENIED was ever his name but was a name given to him in ERROR by Patrolman Alvin Aronoff at the time of Hayer’s 21st February 1965 arrest.
2) Hayer, having stated in his 1977 affidavit that he was “CONTACTED” (possibly by phone) by alleged co-assassins Benjamin 2X Thomas and Leon 3X Davis, later ALTERED his account (in his 1978 affidavit) to read that he was approached “WHILE WALKING IN DOWN TOWN PATERSON” by those two men.
3) Hayer - who swore in both affidavits that he “NEVER KNEW” the last name of the person he referred to as ‘William X’ - would later PROVIDE that name (‘Bradley’)
Did Thomas 15X Johnson KNOW Temple #25 Killers of Malcolm X? (2022) - Lurking in the Malcolm X case file (where it had remained undiscovered for over 50 years) is an utterly damning March-December 1965 hospital visitors log that records visits that were paid to convicted Malcolm X assassin, Thomas 15X Johnson (aka Khalil Islam), by several individuals from Newark Mosque #25.
Several of Johnson's visitors were later identified by convicted Malcolm X assassin, Talmadge X Hayer, as his accomplices in the 21st February 1965 assassination of #MalcolmX. They include Newark Mosque #25 assistant secretary Benjamin 2X Thomas (aka Robert 16X), Leon 3X Davis and Willard X McQueen (believed to be the true name of the individual whom Hayer referred to as "Wilbour or Kinly or a name like it" in his 1977-78 affidavits).
In addition, Johnson was visited by Temple #25's resident minister, James 3X McGregor Shabazz, Temple #25's FOI captain, John 3X Nash and a female member of Temple #25 MGT, Betsy 5X Eason.
This hospital log refutes Johnson's claim (made during the 1966 Malcolm X murder trial and later repeated in Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr's, 2021 exoneration report) that Johnson had no connection to the Newark Mosque.
WATCH FULL VERSION HERE ▶▶ https://youtu.be/3srXqZdquhQ
WATCH FULL VERSION HERE ▶▶ https://youtu.be/3srXqZdquhQ