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AIMA Launches New Portal for Expression of Interest🌍 Simplifying Immigration Processes in PortugalThe AIMA has launched ...

AIMA Launches New Portal for Expression of Interest

🌍 Simplifying Immigration Processes in Portugal

The AIMA has launched a new online portal to streamline the Expression of Interest (Manifestação de Interesse) process for foreign residents seeking regularisation in Portugal.

💡 What’s new?
✔️ Applications can now be submitted directly online.
✔️ Faster processing and scheduling for interviews.
✔️ A step towards a more modern and efficient immigration system.

📥 Access the new portal here: AIMA Portal

At FE.law, we’re ready to guide you through these changes and ensure your immigration process is stress-free and successful.

🌍 Need assistance with your application? Contact us today.

⚖️ An Unprecedented Surge in AIMA-Related CasesThe Lisbon Court is facing a backlog of 21,526 cases linked to AIMA actio...

⚖️ An Unprecedented Surge in AIMA-Related Cases

The Lisbon Court is facing a backlog of 21,526 cases linked to AIMA actions, causing significant delays in processing.

💡 Why this matters:
✔️ Individuals and businesses may face extended waiting periods for resolutions.
✔️ The strain highlights the importance of legal expertise to navigate complex and lengthy judicial processes.
✔️ Proactive planning and legal strategies are now more critical than ever.

At FE.law, we support clients in managing these challenges efficiently, ensuring your interests are safeguarded while navigating the judicial system.

🌍 Facing delays? Let us guide you through with confidence.

🌍 Leadership shapes the future, but justice holds it accountable.As the world witnesses the inauguration of leadership, ...

🌍 Leadership shapes the future, but justice holds it accountable.

As the world witnesses the inauguration of leadership, we are reminded of the critical role that justice, equality, and the rule of law play in shaping societies. At FE.law, we stand firm in our commitment to these principles, ensuring that businesses, families, and individuals thrive in a fair and inclusive environment.

💡 Let us help you navigate a world where justice is the foundation of success.

⏳ Atenção Empresas:O prazo para provar a conformidade com as leis anti-corrupção em Portugal é dia 14 de fevereiro de 20...

⏳ Atenção Empresas:
O prazo para provar a conformidade com as leis anti-corrupção em Portugal é dia 14 de fevereiro de 2025.

💡 O que isto significa para a sua empresa:
✔️ Demonstre que está em conformidade com as regulamentações anti-corrupção.
✔️ Evite penalizações severas e danos à reputação.
✔️ Reforce a governança e a confiança com os seus stakeholders.

Na FE.law, ajudamos empresas a:

Garantir conformidade com as leis anti-corrupção.

Preparar a documentação necessária para auditorias.

Mitigar riscos e proteger a sua reputação.

🌍 Não deixe para a última hora. Contacte-nos e cumpra com confiança.

🇵🇹 Portugal: Safe, Inclusive, and ThrivingDid you know that only 1.2% of Portugal's prison population is made up of fore...

🇵🇹 Portugal: Safe, Inclusive, and Thriving

Did you know that only 1.2% of Portugal's prison population is made up of foreign nationals? Despite common myths, data proves that immigrants are not the source of insecurity but rather valuable contributors to our society and economy.

Portugal continues to shine as one of the safest countries in the world, making it the perfect destination for families, investors, and expats seeking stability and prosperity.

💡 Discover how FE.law can guide you through Portugal's legal landscape, helping you invest, relocate, or thrive in this remarkable country.

🌍 Read more about the truth behind immigration and security in Portugal in our latest article:
👉 Full Article Here

🔒 Are your business's cybersecurity measures up to standard?Managers and business leaders face severe fines if they fail...

🔒 Are your business's cybersecurity measures up to standard?

Managers and business leaders face severe fines if they fail to protect sensitive data and comply with cybersecurity regulations. In today’s digital age, ensuring robust systems isn’t just a recommendation—it’s a legal obligation.

💡 What’s at risk?
✔️ Financial penalties for data breaches.
✔️ Loss of client trust and reputational damage.
✔️ Potential legal liability for non-compliance.

At FE.law, we help businesses:

Navigate cybersecurity regulations.

Implement legal strategies to mitigate risks.

Ensure compliance to avoid penalties.

🌍 In cybersecurity, prevention is the best defence.

⚽️ 🦐 Mais de uma tonelada de marisco vivo apreendida em viveiro ilegal!Este caso curioso levanta questões importantes: s...

⚽️ 🦐 Mais de uma tonelada de marisco vivo apreendida em viveiro ilegal!

Este caso curioso levanta questões importantes: sabia que até o comércio de marisco está sujeito a rigorosos regulamentos?

💡 Lição do dia: Quer esteja a gerir um restaurante, um viveiro ou qualquer outro negócio, assegurar a conformidade com a lei é essencial para evitar problemas com as autoridades e proteger o seu investimento.

📜 Na FE.law, ajudamos empresas a manterem-se dentro das regras, evitando "penáltis legais".

👉 Certifique-se de que o seu negócio não sai fora de jogo!

🌍 A step towards peace: Israel and Hamas have reached a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, offering a glimmer of hope for stab...

🌍 A step towards peace: Israel and Hamas have reached a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, offering a glimmer of hope for stability in a region marked by prolonged conflict.

💡 Why it matters:
✔️ Lives can be saved, and humanitarian aid can be delivered.
✔️ A moment to reflect on the importance of diplomacy and dialogue.
✔️ An opportunity for the international community to support lasting solutions.

At FE.law, we believe in the importance of justice, peace, and the rule of law as foundations for a better world.

🌟 May this ceasefire lead to enduring peace and security for all.

📢 Missed the AIMA residency application deadline? Don’t worry – there may still be options!If you or someone you know wa...

📢 Missed the AIMA residency application deadline? Don’t worry – there may still be options!

If you or someone you know was affected, here’s what to consider:
✔️ Review the reasons for the missed deadline.
✔️ Explore legal recourse to challenge the situation.
✔️ Consult professionals to assess eligibility for alternative solutions.

At FE.law, we specialise in helping clients navigate complex immigration matters, including missed deadlines and legal appeals.

💡 Act quickly to secure your residency rights in Portugal.

⚖️ Boa notícia para quem enfrenta processos judiciais:As custas judiciais, reguladas pelo Código das Custas Judiciais, n...

⚖️ Boa notícia para quem enfrenta processos judiciais:
As custas judiciais, reguladas pelo Código das Custas Judiciais, não terão aumentos em 2025, pelo menos até que seja aprovada a revisão deste código.

💡 Por que isto importa?
✔️ Alívio financeiro para cidadãos e empresas envolvidos em litígios.
✔️ Tempo para planear os custos judiciais de forma mais estratégica.
✔️ Continuação do debate sobre uma reforma mais justa e acessível.

Na FE.law, mantemo-nos atentos às mudanças legais e estamos aqui para ajudar os nossos clientes a navegar o sistema judicial de forma informada e eficiente.

🌍 A justiça acessível começa com informação clara.

🚀 Boosting Innovation Through Tax BenefitsPortugal has introduced a new tax incentive programme aimed at supporting scie...

🚀 Boosting Innovation Through Tax Benefits

Portugal has introduced a new tax incentive programme aimed at supporting scientific research and innovation (R&D). This initiative offers:
✔️ Enhanced tax deductions for R&D investments.
✔️ Opportunities for businesses and researchers to innovate with reduced costs.
✔️ A pathway to attract international scientific talent and investment.

💡 Why this matters:
This regulation reinforces Portugal’s commitment to fostering a knowledge-based economy and positions the country as a hub for cutting-edge innovation.

At FE.law, we assist businesses and individuals in leveraging these incentives to maximise their potential.

🌍 Innovation starts with the right strategy.


🌟 Golden Visa Holders, Take Note!The AIMA (Portuguese Immigration and Borders Authority) has reopened services for Golde...

🌟 Golden Visa Holders, Take Note!
The AIMA (Portuguese Immigration and Borders Authority) has reopened services for Golden Visa holders, allowing them to regularise their residency status within 90 days.

This is a crucial opportunity for those who experienced delays in their processes to ensure compliance and maintain their legal residency in Portugal.

At FE.law, we assist clients in navigating residency requirements, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

💡 Don’t miss this window to secure your residency!

✊ O respeito pela igualdade, pelos direitos humanos e pela justiça deve ser um compromisso de todos.As forças de seguran...

✊ O respeito pela igualdade, pelos direitos humanos e pela justiça deve ser um compromisso de todos.

As forças de segurança desempenham um papel crucial numa democracia:
✔️ Proteger os cidadãos de forma justa e imparcial.
✔️ Garantir os direitos fundamentais e a segurança de todos.
✔️ Fortalecer a confiança entre comunidades e instituições.

💡 Acreditamos que uma sociedade unida e inclusiva é construída com base no respeito mútuo, na justiça e na democracia.

👉 Qual o seu papel na construção de uma sociedade mais justa?
Partilhe a sua opinião nos comentários!

📜 The Ombudsman (Provedor de Justiça) is a key constitutional figure in Portugal, ensuring justice and transparency in p...

📜 The Ombudsman (Provedor de Justiça) is a key constitutional figure in Portugal, ensuring justice and transparency in public administration.

According to Article 23 of the Portuguese Constitution, the Ombudsman:
✔️ Receives complaints from citizens about public authorities' actions or omissions.
✔️ Issues recommendations to correct injustices and improve public services.
✔️ Acts independently, without decision-making powers, but with significant influence in protecting citizens' rights.

🔍 Why is this important?
The Ombudsman complements judicial remedies by ensuring public administration adheres to the Principle of Legality and protects human rights.

💡 Example: Recent complaints about police operations raised ethical and legal concerns. While not directed against the police, these cases call for better practices and respect for legality.

✍️ Conclusion: The Portuguese Ombudsman is a pillar of democracy, ensuring fairness, transparency, and protection of citizens' rights.

🔥 The devastating wildfires in California remind us of the importance of preparation, resilience, and having the right s...

🔥 The devastating wildfires in California remind us of the importance of preparation, resilience, and having the right support during challenging times.

At FE.law, we understand how crises like these impact lives, businesses, and property. For those considering relocating or diversifying their assets, Portugal offers safety, stability, and unique residency opportunities through programmes like the Golden Visa.

💡 Whether you’re exploring relocation or securing a second home, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

🌍 In times of uncertainty, planning ahead is key.

📜 O papel do Provedor de Justiça na Defesa dos CidadãosSabia que o Provedor de Justiça é uma figura essencial na proteçã...

📜 O papel do Provedor de Justiça na Defesa dos Cidadãos

Sabia que o Provedor de Justiça é uma figura essencial na proteção dos direitos dos cidadãos e na promoção da transparência na Administração Pública?

De acordo com o Artigo 23.º da Constituição da República Portuguesa, o Provedor de Justiça:
✔️ Recebe queixas de cidadãos sobre atos ou omissões dos poderes públicos.
✔️ Emite recomendações para corrigir injustiças e melhorar os serviços públicos.
✔️ Atua de forma independente, garantindo que a Administração respeita os direitos e o Princípio da Legalidade.

🔍 Por que isto é relevante?
O Provedor de Justiça complementa os meios judiciais, oferecendo um canal acessível para cidadãos exporem injustiças e pedirem mudanças na Administração Pública.

💡 Exemplo prático: No contexto de operações controversas, como a recente intervenção policial no Martim Moniz, o Provedor de Justiça pode intervir para garantir a proteção dos direitos humanos e reforçar o respeito pela legalidade.

✍️ Conclusão:
O Provedor de Justiça é um pilar essencial no Estado de Direito, promovendo uma Administração Pública justa, ética e focada no bem-estar dos cidadãos.


Rua Santa Marta, 43 E/F, 3. º D

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Segunda-feira 10:00 - 19:00
Terça-feira 10:00 - 19:00
Quarta-feira 10:00 - 19:00
Quinta-feira 10:00 - 19:00
Sexta-feira 10:00 - 19:00


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